
Looking for motivation?  Well it’s like bathing, you gotta do it every day.

Have you ever been to an event, a conference call, or heard some news that has you all excited and ready to conquer the world?  How long did the high last before you began to feel bogged down with all of the work that is involved or you start feeling like the success isn’t coming fast enough?

Hey, I get it.  It happens to all of us.  The trick is to make sure you are tapping in to your motivation every day.  Here are my 4 tips for staying motivated…

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1. Break up tasks so that I don’t get overwhelmed.

2.  Self development: I am constantly listening to something, reading something, or watching something that will keep my in the good head space I need to be in to push myself.

3.  Exercise:  This is huge for me.  I have to get up and move.  I can’t sit at home all day on the phone or in front of the computer.  The great thing is that this is a great time to multitask.  I can catch up on quick emails or usually turn something on, motivational, to listen to and kill two birds with one stone.

4.  Celebrate all successes!  You know all of those people that have become overnight successes?  They are only overnight success to you, not to them.  They have been putting in crazy hours, laid an incredible foundation, and the pieces have finally come together and added up for massive success.  Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t have immediate success.  Celebrate 1 customer, 1 distributor, 1 sale, a few leads.

Try these tips and don’t be too hard on yourself.

I look forward to seeing you at the top of your business!


PS: To help you brand yourself as an entrepreneur CLICK HERE for my 8 tips!