Relationships and Followup

Whether you sell real estate, insurance, vehicles, or network marketing opportunities or products (or anything in between) then you MUST build and keep relationships with your prospects. It’s vital.

Our industry is all about the relationships that we build. But how can we build relationships when we can’t even organize who we spoke to, when we spoke to them last, and what we spoke to them about?

If you’re still using a flimsy notebook, Read More

10 Top Prospecting Tips

Hey everyone!

I was heading out to play golf earlier in the week, and just couldn’t get this prospecting webinar out of my head. I am always keeping myself open to learning opportunities, and this was so good I couldn’t forget it, and wanted to share. I truly believe that the best investment you can ever make is an investment in yourself.  Check out my short video overview and the webinar!

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Don’t Miss This Marketing Webinar

“How to Fearlessly Approach Anyone, Instantly Create Rapport and Transform Cold Market Contacts into Red-Hot “Ready to Join” Prospects for Your Business.”

I had a huge opportunity last week to watch a FREE webinar on cold market prospecting.  If I would have known the information potential of this, I would have invited you to watch it when I did.  However, I had no clue what a game changer this webinar could be.  Good news for you…it was recorded and can be watched on a replay, at your convenience, but don’t delay.   Read More