3 Keys to Motivation

Good morning everyone!

It’s Monday.  People either dread Mondays or love Mondays.  You either don’t want to go back to work, or are ready to go full strength on a Monday.

Sometimes people fall in between the two.  Just a little motivation short of where they need to be. Read More

Enjoy The Road To Success

The road to success may be rocky but it should be enjoyed.

Do you find yourself thinking about the daily grind?  That you HAVE TO get up and work?  That you HAVE TO make calls? And negative about all of the other necessary business activities.

It is time to have fun and fall in love with your business.  Check out these 4 Principles I picked up from a mentor I was with in Vegas last fall. Read More

Mind Boggling Statistics…Will you be one?

I was listening to some information from one of my mentors the other day and was shocked by the statistics he shared.   These stats are about the current financial status of people when they turn age 65.

He also talked about the 40/40/40 plan and how following this plan will affect your financial future.

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It’s time to turn those statistics around.  Let’s chat and we can partner up in whatever capacity would best help you!

I look forward to seeing you at the top of your business!


PS: To help you brand yourself as an entrepreneur CLICK HERE for my 8 tips!

Finding it Difficult to Stay Motivated?

Looking for motivation?  Well it’s like bathing, you gotta do it every day.

Have you ever been to an event, a conference call, or heard some news that has you all excited and ready to conquer the world?  How long did the high last before you began to feel bogged down with all of the work that is involved or you start feeling like the success isn’t coming fast enough?

Hey, I get it. Read More

Confidence is Key

Today’s business tip…

Don’t lose your posture.  Keep your confidence.

You don’t want to come across as needy or desperate.  When you ask someone if they are interested in learning more about what you do or about creating more income, whatever they say…it’s okay. Read More